“I got a tip from a local guide to head to the Ralph A. MacMullan Conference Center, a rustic lodge south of Grayling, on the shore of Higgins Lake. He said a lot of “river people” would be there that night.
People chatted, sipped on beer and took their seats after some mingling. John Clark, the organizer of the event, explained the concept of a newly formed group called Celebrate Michigan Rivers. As he explained, there were many conservation groups fighting for the protection of rivers, but that evening was about taking a break from the fight and expressing appreciation for rivers.
It was a refreshing evening as Michiganders have fought hard in recent years to protect rivers and clean water.”
The Program from our 2016 Event
Tom buhr
"The Old Ausable" Oddyssey. His journey to update the most accurate social history of Michigan's famed Au Sable River
Robert woodland
Presented his "50 Years a Riverman" narrated video & read a selection of Michael Delp's work
Stuart fowler
Shared wisdom forged growing up downriver from Grayling and on the East Branch of Au Sable Valley... history, photos, stories
Steve Byrne & Chris Walton
Sharing their remembrances of Jim Harrison from personal interviews & selected passages of Jim's work. Chris & Steve discussed their work to produce a documentary on Jim's life.
Daniel Feldhauser
Fine Art inspired by a lifetime on Michigan Rivers
Music & Entertainment by Dan Hall